Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hiroshima - More artifacts

1st row from left: 1. The shadow of a person sitting on the steps when the blast when off. Her shadow remains where she sat. She probably vaporised. The rest of the steps turned lighter in colour. 2. The whole structure preserved. 3. The storyboard.
2nd row from left: 1. Roof tiles and walls melted. 2 & 3. Clothing remains.
3rd row from left: 1. The wheel-like handle's shadow etched onto the steel wall behind it. Thermal rays burnt the steel wall and whitened it, leaving the unburnt area blocked by the handle. 2. Mutated fingernails that grew from radiation exposure. 3. Glass bottles melted.

1st row from left: 1. Bent steel windows from some kilometres away. 2&3. Glass bottles fused and melted.
2nd row from left: 1. Glass bottles twisted and melted. 2&3. Black rain that contained soot, radioactive particles and dust that fell on Hiroshima 20-30 minutes after the blast. Contaminated the water and wrecked havoc on the survivors causing illnesses like diarrohea for weeks.
3rd row from left: 1. Hair that came off from a remaining survivor. She was badly injured and when her mother had stroked her hair to comfort, the whole bunch came off. Fortunately she survived. But contracted cancer in her later years. 2. A real preserved tongue from a victim. On the tongue are 2 purple dots, internal bleedings called "purpuras" caused by radiation exposure. 3. A poem on the nation's resolve in rebuilding Hiroshima.

Diagram showing the hypocenter of the A-Bomb and it's effects on buildings in the surroundings.

Attached this in case the photo collage is too small for reading... Read it.

The full poem

Needless to say, this visit left a deep impression on me. Watching and reading news and protests on nuclear weapons will not be the same from now on. They will invoke strong sentiments. Visit this place if u get the chance.

Stuart - going to bed now... 350am in Japan. Gotta wake early tm.

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