Sunday, May 4, 2008

We have a new travel companion!

Alright... to start off our mobile blogging and facilitate better comms while we are away, the team has invested in brand new 20Gb Asus Eee PC with 1 Gb of Ram... Power little monster but with a steep familarity curve for the really small keypad.. it doesn't qualify as a keyboard! its too small.

i'm trying tis little guy right now and it is very easy to type the wrong letter and mistake the page down button for the shift button..
Weipeng, Angela and i visited Funan to get tis and all the shops had sold out on this. Tying our luck with a closed booth with a sales lady inside playing Warcraft, ah hah!, they had stock! She was alittle reluctant to entertain us initially as she probably thought we were window shoppers and was in the midst of a major battle with her online buddies.

Cutting the story short, she managed to multi-task and sold us (Or rather we sold ourselves) the moleculer laptop without a single display of salesmanship or interest in us.

It's tough to write too much on this guy... when my full sized laptop is beckoning me right next to it..

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